Scott Raney wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Jul 2001 Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Karl Becker wrote:
> >
> > > Actually, if we're really adhering to the HIG, shouldn't the
> > > focusColor not be able to be chosen by MC developers, and only by the
> > > user?  ;-)
> Maybe so, but at least this is the way it works by default unless you
> specifically override the focus color by setting it.
> > That's the beauty of MC: It's not just HIG-compliant, it's better than
> > HIG-compliant, in that it often lets us decide when the HIG applies.
> >
> > Please, Scott, allow another option for the focusColor which turns it off.
> > In the big picture, this is the most HIG-compliant option.
> I guess I've overestimated the number of people developing for (or
> even testing for) UNIX systems.  This has been the way the Motif look
> and feel has worked for almost 10 years now and we've yet to get a
> single complaint about it or request for a way to turn it off.  The
> only other thing I can come up with is just conservatism (it *changed*
> on the Mac, and many people just don't like change, even if it's for
> the better).
> As for ways to implement this, a new field-only property is
> unfortunately not an option because it would require reworking the
> file format.  So that leaves us with the following options:
> 1) Tie drawing the focus border to the showBorder property.  This
>    means you'd have to put another object (e.g. a group) around a
>    field you want to have a border but no focus border.  More work,
>    but then, breaking the rules should require more work.
> 2) Make it apply to all objects (i.e., buttons and players also get a
>    focus border in the Motif look and feel, and it might be nice to be
>    able to turn this off).
> 3) Make it global or an inheritable stack property.
> 4) Hack the focusColor property to have some non-existing color be a
>    cue to not draw the focus border at all.

I'd go for either 2 or 4, most likely 4 if there is something like
"transparent" color.

> Preferences?
>   Scott

Regards, Andu

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