On 17/7/01 6:34 pm, Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2) Make it apply to all objects (i.e., buttons and players also get a
> focus border in the Motif look and feel, and it might be nice to be
> able to turn this off).
> 3) Make it global or an inheritable stack property.
> 4) Hack the focusColor property to have some non-existing color be a
> cue to not draw the focus border at all.

It does need to apply object by object - as you do generally want this on.
Turning it off happens on a case-by-case basis where you're doing something
cool that the field object probably wasn't originally designed for (such as
a multi-column list).  In such a case, no way do you want to have an extra
object there to draw the border with.  As such it has to be 2 or 4, and I
would go for 4, as 2 is going to be a real hassle from the cross-platform
point of view (you have to turn this property off on Mac for buttons, but
then turn it on again on UNIX).



Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
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