Shari wrote:

> I even ran tests using the various lookAndFeel options, which are
> supposed to emulate the other platforms, are they not?

In appearance only, and there's no way to see OS X-native appearances on
other platforms (nor, I suspect, wil there be one for XP-native appearances
should MC support that).

> Based on what I've been told about Metacard's capabilities, this
> should be sufficient.

Yes and no.  Yes, to the degree that your apps don't break.  But a
detaol-oriented developer like you will want the direct experience of
working in OS X sooner or later, just as you'd want to understand the
Windows experience firsthand to design apps that excel there.

If you've used the traditional Mac OS for several years, OS X will seem very
alien to you.  It's a truly strange beast, but one which benefits us
multi-plat developers in small ways by reducing some of the Mac-specific
behaviors that differ from other OSes.

In addition to file type extensions, window layering is a good example.
>From the Aqua HIG at

   In Mac OS 9 and earlier, all windows belonging to
   a particular application are in the same layer.
   In Mac OS X, each document exists in its own layer,
   so documents from different applications can be
   interleaved. Clicking a window to bring it to the
   front doesn't disturb the layering order of any
   other window.

And then there are the subtle touches like the new control layout metrics,
different system font face and size, etc.

No need to ditch OS 9 yet (80% of Mac users still haven't). But working in
OS X directly, even if only for a few hours at a time as many of us do, is
so very valuable in understanding this brave new world.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.0: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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