Shari writes:

I have one OS.  Some people have my OS, others do not.

Unless you have 5 or 10 computers, you CANNOT test on all OS's.
A Window's developer would need at least 4 to test on the various flavours of Windows. Minimum.
A Mac developer would need at least 3. Minimum.
A cross platform developer would need a minimum of 7 computers, if you own all the flavours that your program might run on.
Shari C
You need to make a distinction between "computers" and "operating systems". You can have one computer that runs many flavors of Windows through different means. For example, Windows has dual-boot option, enabling installing of a variety of OSs on a single drive, and SELECTION of which OS to actually boot at startup. Another method is to have several hard drives in removable boxes, each drive a different OS. Then, simply swap drives as needed and boot up the required OS.
Perhaps the Mac world has similar capabilities?
So you see, a considerable amount of Mac/Windows cross-platform testing can be done on as little as only two computers--a Mac and a PC--not the "5 or 10 computers" that you proclaim.
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