andu a écrit :
> The point here is resentment for change as was mentioned in a couple of
> messages, not lack of solutions.   My mac contains os 9.2.2, OS X (Darwin),
> Linux on one drive with the option of running os 9.2.2 within either Linux
> or OS X.
> Regards, Andu Novac
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> metacard mailing list

Allo Andu,

Could you explain a little more how you run MacOS 9, directly, from
within Linux. Because some fine apps (Dreamweaver, Excel) are not
availables under Linux, i would be realy interested in running them
without to have to switch to Jaguar and quit the main Suse-LinuxPPC
environment i'm using most of the time on my Dual-USB IBook2.
Are you running MOL ? Is the MacOS 9 running as fast as it works under
classic in the Jaguar env. ? Else, what config are you running ?

Thanks a lot for your help :)
Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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