Let me comment from a collector's viewpoint.....

The person asking you to refund their money is an idiot.  I've bought several meteorites that have declined in price.  (Anyone want to buy 0.5 gram of Zagami at $1500 per gram?)  And while my transaction took place a few years ago (at the height of the ALH84001 craze), I bought it and that's my problem.

If I want to buy a piece of meteorite "X", I look around for who has some for sale.  If only one dealer is offering it, I look at their price and decide if I wish to pay it.  If so, and a few weeks/months later I see it for less....Oh well...tough crap.  If more than one dealer has it, then the aesthetics of the pieces available must be considered.  Sometimes the cheapest specimen is cheapest for a reason.

If you guarantee authenticity for life (which I think/hope you do), that's another thing, but for this person to ask you to refund their price after this long, and after TELLING you that they found it cheaper (?!?!)....well, that's not too bright on their part.

The only thing you might want to consider is the possibility of this person becoming a return customer.  But then again, if this is their modus operandi, maybe you don't want them as a customer.

Just my 2 grams worth.....


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