Hello Steve & Dealers,
Speaking as someone who has been in retail over ten years and seen it ALL, your best bet in the future is to have a clear and concise refund policy that accompanies all your sales.  State exactly what this policy is:  how long the customer has to return merchandise, valid reasons for return, "restocking fees" and when they apply, what sales are final, etc.  Enclose this with every item you ship, state it on your home page, and on your Ebay auctions.  I started printing return policies on every receipt for every sale in my store, because people will ALWAYS try to push the envelope unless you state it first.  Then, if you have a problem, which seldom happens at this point, all you have to say is that your policy was stated clearly and they have not complied so you, unfortunately cannot take the item back.
But, since you are already embroiled in a situation, you can either:
1.  Lump it, give the guy his money back, and hope some day for return business from him, or at least some good will he may pass to others.
2.  Be right, but subsequently lose the repeat business and perhaps (unjustly though it may be) suffer his bad word of mouth to others who may also be customers or potential customers.
In either case the best course to take afterward is to try to prevent it happening again in the future. 
Good luck, and believe me, I have felt your pain!!
: )
Jeanne Devon
The Museum Store
The Nature Source
The Historical Research Center

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