Hello Steve Arnold (IMB) and list,
The Park Forest thread was interesting, and it is a very nice "historic" meteorite with a nice story.  I still think we have seen very little of this meteorite on the market for what the demand is and therefore the meteorite does have good potential to go up in value.  It is almost three months after the fall and while the hype and the price has dropped, it still ranked favorite fall on my recent...and ongoing...meteorite poll. 
An interesting note it is also currently 2nd place in "Most Overpriced Meteorite"
All of that being said, I would have to agree with the many others, that...this "dealer"....should have been aware of hype pricing...and that the price of the meteorite would settle. 
I invested more then a few dollars in a local major airplane stock a few years ago.  (Wichita is...or was...the airplane capital of the world).  Then 9-11 happened.  The local economy has been hit pretty hard, more then 1/3 of the city has been laid off.  People have left Boeing and Lear Jet and are now working at McDonald's.  I think I would get laughed at pretty hard if I called Boeing and asked for a refund. (Of course I would settle for a small personal jet...:-)  But I understood the risk that was on the table.  Had the news of late 1991 been a couple big military contracts for the company, I could now be in Mali drinking a Jack and Coke and yelling at the barely English speaking waiter for something to snack on. 
I've made some good meteorite deals and some poor ones.  Still, the more the market drops, the happier I am.  This means I can justify buying more.  Now, if only Mars meteorites would drop under $100 a gram......
My 2% of Fa.,
Mark Bostick
PS:  I guess now is a good of time as any for congrads to Steve Arnold (IMB) for the awesome work he did in Park Forest.  Steve and his tackle boxes are coming to a fall near you.

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