You are breaking list policy as much as he is in posting as you do, if
not more.  His posts do break the suggested limit for posts in a given
time period, but they are always in good spirit, never derogatory, and
are generally meteorite-related.  Get off your high-horses and accept
the fact that no matter how wrong he is, you're stooping to below his
level in posting as you do.  If you wanted Art to take action, you
should have messaged him, not me.  I don't think I'm wrong in assuming
that the rest of the folks out there share that sentiment.  If we had
a problem with Steve, we would have blocked him.  As could you.  The
fact that you haven't seems to suggest that you like the opportunity
to harass him.
And you call him annoying.
I won't criticize or support him; I personally don't care for or
dislike his messages.  They're there, and your posts aren't going to
change that.

You're the one with the ability to change, to take the higher road.

I know, but I think it's obvious enough, almost a decade down the
line, that things are not going to change.
This has been going on for, well, combine world the first and second
world wars.  That's about how long.
Longer than the occupation of Iraq, and half the length of the Vietnam War.
You'd think that, at some point, people would begin to understand the
futility of their own actions.
And at some point, I would think it prudent for certain people to
realize that the effort they take to spearhead this effort against him
is really done for the sake of hundreds of people who couldn't care
less.  And the level to which they take action against him for being,
what amounts to at worst, a simpleton, is beyond me.  Litigiousness in
the sense Elton seems to be advocating is, in my mind, much worse than
anything Steve has ever done - and, given the past, considerably worse
than what he seems capable of doing.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Mark Grossman <> wrote:
> Without taking any sides pro or con re the particulars of Steve's actions:
>> There's a brick wall there, and no matter how long you persist in
>> throwing yourselves against it, it's not budging, regardless of how
>> right (or wrong) you are in doing so.  You're not going to change him,
>> or the situation in general.
> What a sad state of affairs Jason has described regarding the status of the
> biggest meteorite list in the world - no matter which side of the fence you
> are on.
> Mark Grossman
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Utas" <>
> To: "Meteorite-list" <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 12:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Steve Arnold ofChicago...wasnwa
> 1794
>> Hola,
>> I would again like to point out that, even though his posts may be
>> repetitive and annoying to some - maybe even most - of the
>> list-members who have yet to block him (you might give it a try if
>> you're so annoyed), well, the simple fact of the matter is that a
>> single one of his posts just elicited four utterly negative responses.
>> I *still* find it hypocritical that you lot insist on spamming more
>> than he does.  I recall saying at least a few years ago - you're not
>> going to stop him, and going about it the way you are - or any way,
>> really, isn't going to do anything.
>> I was apparently right.
>> There's a brick wall there, and no matter how long you persist in
>> throwing yourselves against it, it's not budging, regardless of how
>> right (or wrong) you are in doing so.  You're not going to change him,
>> or the situation in general.  Why not give the rest of us a bit of a
>> respite from the constant haranguing and leave him be, eh?  One fifth
>> the spam would be nice.
>> Jason
>> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:26 PM, bill kies <>
>> wrote:
>>> Mr. Tate,
>>> At a glance this situation might look silly but April 1st or not, sSteve
>>> has been entertaining himself at the expense of this list for almost a
>>> decade. People can only tolerate so much. We, list members, have managed the
>>> bad taste and poor humor well enough. Don't rush to judgement unless you've
>>> read the archives extensively and understand what this fellow is all about.
>>> Bill
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