I'm sorry, I'm just a small time collect... I've been a list member for many years, No hunter or scientist, I'm a geologist. I've been to Tucson for the last 10 years. I've bought alot of meteoritesover the last many years, I've enjoyed the personal list banter between Mateo and Farmer, Chicago Steve, et. al.and the input from all the researchers, but Steve's last "April Fool's" is beyond the pale. Why is it every month after Tucson, Steve puts out some tale of doom and dispair? Last year it was his wife leaving him if he didn't sell some (all!!)?

Like I said, I'm a small time collector, I've visited all the seller's at Tucson. This year I actually was at Anne Black and Nokins suite when who do you think I'm standing next to but Chicago Steve! He says to the in the crowd "I'm Steve Arnold, one of the two". and I say "oh, you're Chicago Steve" He looks at me and says Who are you? And I say, nobody, just know you from the List! Steve is a bafooon!! Thanks! Even though may wife thinks Farmer is a pompas ass (me too, in a nice way). I'm happy she can go with me to Tucson. Steve...Why make an ass out of yourself?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Blood" <mlbl...@cox.net> To: "Erik Fisler" <erikfw...@msn.com>; "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Steve Arnold ofChicago...wasnwa 1794

My, my, my.
       What an interesting disgusting....er, I mean

From: Erik Fisler <erikfw...@msn.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 00:15:07 -0700
To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Steve Arnold ofChicago...wasnwa

you know what I meant  Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 00:13:01 -0700
From: meteorite...@gmail.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Steve Arnold ofChicago...wasnwa

You just told me not to stand up for what I believe in.
So you're telling me to stop standing up for what I believe in,
because, you say, telling people to not stand up for what they believe
in - doing that is wrong.
Of course, the implications of your statement are interesting. If we
all followed that logic, whoever spoke first in any situation would be
simply infallible. Anyone who disagreed, standing up for what they
believed in, would be telling someone that they couldn't believe what
they wanted to. Wouldn't that be an interesting world.
At any rate, Erik, I say they have the right to block Steve, just as
Steve has the right to post. In fact, by your own reasoning, because
Steve must have sent a message to the list before someone criticized
him for doing so (logic), the people who harass him are really just
keeping (or *trying* to keep) Steve from 'standing up for what he
believes in.'
So they're still the wrong ones by your reasoning, because he must
have preceded his naysayers. I'm advocating free speech in the sense
that I believe that these people are merely being hypocritical.
They've been annoying the lot of us for ten years trying to get him to
stop. I'm saying that they should stop sending me messages, because I
don't like their insults and nasty messages.
Furthermore, they could accomplish their collective goal of abolishing
Steve from their inboxes by simply blocking him. It seems obvious to
me, at this juncture, that they really just like harassing someone in
public and being able to get away with it. I'm sure you've met some
bullies in your time - welcome to the meteorite list.

P.S. It also seems to me that your message lacks 'valor.'

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Erik Fisler wrote:

Alright Jason, you have stated your opinion now respectfully drop it,
or continue to say the same thing over and over in different words...

Standing up for what you believe is important and no one should ever
listen to anyone who says to not even bother to stand up for what they
believe or to give up. That is WRONG.


Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 23:18:06 -0700
From: meteorite...@gmail.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Steve Arnold
ofChicago...wasnwa 1794

I have never asked for, nor received one of his freebies, though I
will admit to having purchased meteorites from him at more than
reasonable prices. But you apparently have a problem with someone
giving away meteorites on a regular basis, and with someone who
doesn't use a sense of business typical of most meteorite dealers.

But that's my point, really.

I've been here, on this list, for eleven years, and, to be perfectly
frank, you're the problem, not him. He's not the person who turns
people away from the hobby; it's mean-spirited people like you who
make others feel unwelcome.
His posts have never been derogatory. Ill-conceived, maybe. Lacking
foresight, probably in many cases.
- But malevolent, like yours, never.

Many people have many things to thank him for, including great deals
and free space rocks for some of the less-well-off collectors.
But he posts too many messages for you. I'll say it again - third
time's the charm, right?
Block him if you have an issue. I know for a fact that Hotmail has
that function.

I actually disagree with Mark on this; the list really hasn't changed
all that much in the time I've been here. A number of old-timers have
moved on, and there -are- a much greater number of newcomers has
arrived in the past few years, but the same old bickering goes on, and
on, and on. You're just the next person to take up the anti-Steve
mantle. If you look back in the archives, that's something you will
actually find.

If the list is suffering, it's not from him; he's been a constant here
for a decade, and this list has yet to collapse in upon itself. The
list remains *the* list, and I've yet to hear of someone actually
leaving the list because of Steve. If they have, well, I'm sad that
they didn't find the block button sooner. If you look back at the
archives, people typically leave because of this godawful bickering.
The stuff you're doing. The only reason I feel it might do some good
is because it really has been getting worse lately - and I figure it
might be worth pointing out that block function to you lot.

Elton's argument really is ridiculous, in retrospect. He likely
bought something from Steve at a rock-bottom price and is now
harassing him, having just benefitted from Steve's...unorthodox
business techniques. Glaringly hypocritical, and talk about good
faith. As though he really expected Steve to leave anyways. If he
did, well, I think it shows something about his own intelligence.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:54 PM, bill kies wrote:

Good Spirit? Never Derogatory? Generally meteorite related? Are you
talking about sSteve? You must be one of his freebie zombies or waiting like so many others to benefit from his erratic business sense. Please do
a history check and drop the subject.

Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 22:34:07 -0700
From: meteorite...@gmail.com
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Steve Arnold
ofChicago...wasnwa 1794

You are breaking list policy as much as he is in posting as you do, if
not more. His posts do break the suggested limit for posts in a given
time period, but they are always in good spirit, never derogatory, and
are generally meteorite-related. Get off your high-horses and accept
the fact that no matter how wrong he is, you're stooping to below his
level in posting as you do. If you wanted Art to take action, you
should have messaged him, not me. I don't think I'm wrong in assuming
that the rest of the folks out there share that sentiment. If we had
a problem with Steve, we would have blocked him. As could you. The
fact that you haven't seems to suggest that you like the opportunity
to harass him.
And you call him annoying.
I won't criticize or support him; I personally don't care for or
dislike his messages. They're there, and your posts aren't going to
change that.

You're the one with the ability to change, to take the higher road.

I know, but I think it's obvious enough, almost a decade down the
line, that things are not going to change.
This has been going on for, well, combine world the first and second
world wars. That's about how long.
Longer than the occupation of Iraq, and half the length of the Vietnam
You'd think that, at some point, people would begin to understand the
futility of their own actions.
And at some point, I would think it prudent for certain people to
realize that the effort they take to spearhead this effort against him
is really done for the sake of hundreds of people who couldn't care
less. And the level to which they take action against him for being,
what amounts to at worst, a simpleton, is beyond me. Litigiousness in
the sense Elton seems to be advocating is, in my mind, much worse than anything Steve has ever done - and, given the past, considerably worse
than what he seems capable of doing.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Mark Grossman wrote:
Without taking any sides pro or con re the particulars of Steve's

There's a brick wall there, and no matter how long you persist in
throwing yourselves against it, it's not budging, regardless of how
right (or wrong) you are in doing so. You're not going to change him,
or the situation in general.

What a sad state of affairs Jason has described regarding the status of
biggest meteorite list in the world - no matter which side of the fence
are on.

Mark Grossman

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Utas"
To: "Meteorite-list"
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wire Fraud and Steve Arnold

I would again like to point out that, even though his posts may be
repetitive and annoying to some - maybe even most - of the
list-members who have yet to block him (you might give it a try if
you're so annoyed), well, the simple fact of the matter is that a
single one of his posts just elicited four utterly negative responses.
I *still* find it hypocritical that you lot insist on spamming more
than he does. I recall saying at least a few years ago - you're not
going to stop him, and going about it the way you are - or any way,
really, isn't going to do anything.
I was apparently right.
There's a brick wall there, and no matter how long you persist in
throwing yourselves against it, it's not budging, regardless of how
right (or wrong) you are in doing so. You're not going to change him,
or the situation in general. Why not give the rest of us a bit of a
respite from the constant haranguing and leave him be, eh? One fifth
the spam would be nice.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:26 PM, bill kies

Mr. Tate,

At a glance this situation might look silly but April 1st or not,
has been entertaining himself at the expense of this list for almost a
decade. People can only tolerate so much. We, list members, have
managed the
bad taste and poor humor well enough. Don't rush to judgement unless
read the archives extensively and understand what this fellow is all

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