Hello Emiliano,

you wrote:
>> I've  already  fixed  this  when had been rewriting Midgard-PHP module
>> (taking  off  many  common  code  pieces  to  Midgard-lib and wrapping
>> 'change'-functions  with  repository  checking  I've found this broken
>> 'content') so Midgard 1.2.6-beta2 will fix this bug.
> Another good thing would be to add non-_all calendering functions.
It will be added to the todo list for things need to be implemented
after releasing 1.2.6beta2 but before stable one. I have about five
serious entries on TODO list for beta2 so calendering will be slightly
delayed, ok?
> There was a short discussion a while ago on the parser bit that
> broke phpMyAdmin -- you spotted the location I think. Did you ever
> get anywhere with that?
No. I asked some people whether LEX-guru could be found but failed to
actually find them :-( It seems that your last variant was "correct",
probably it will go to beta2 for real testing?

Also  about  other  things:

1)  all  i18n  and  l10n  functionality  now (in 1.2.6beta2) driven by
mod_midgard's directives in Apache configuration file on per-direcotry
basis, so mod_midgard and lib-midgard now could be packaged to RPM and
used simultaneously for English and Russian versions. The only package
that  needed to be packaged differently is Midgard/PHP because support
for Russian in it requires compilation with mod_charset module support
included  which  is not available in ordinary Apache (but all i18n and
l10n  dependencies  in  Midgard  code  now  only in Midgard-lib, other
modules  rewritten  to  be  language-neutral  and  to use libmidgard's
localization API).

It took a big amount of time to implement it but now you can have, for
example,  /finnish/  sub-directory where all content goes through HTML
Entities'   translation,  and  /russian/  where  this  translation  is
switched  off.  More  over, a mail created from script under /finnish/
will  automatically  use  ISO-8859-1 encoding and quoted-printable for
message  body,  and  the  same beast from /russian/ sub-direcotry will
automatically  wrapped  by KOI8-R encoding without quoted-printable. I
think we are really close to true multi-language solution. It is quite
simple to add similar behaviour for German, French and other European
languages (at first, others require additional reencoding).

2) Midgard-lib API now has generalized support for tree traversing and
will  have C-implemented copying/moving/deleting for trees. It greatly
improves Midgard Admin Site for real production servers.

3)  PHP  3.0.14  which  works  brilliantly with beta2, by default puts
X-Powered-By  string into all outgoing headers announcing its version.
It looks like:

X-Powered-By: PHP 3.0.14 + Midgard 1.2.6

which is generally speaking True for Midgard-driven sites :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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