Hello Michal,

âòîðíèê, 16 ìàÿ 2000 ã., you wrote:

> Hi list,
> I am new here. I would like to use Midgard to create web sites, but I miss
> some fuctionality. I have looked through the www site of the project, but
> did not find any information about existing/planned support for foreign
> languages (in administration interface), or for multilanguage sites /
> admin interfaces.
Admin site now distributed in English and Russian versions. When 1.4
will out, we'll go to XML-based format for database distribution and
it will really simplify multi-language management (think about one XML
source that included several copies of records with additional LANG
> I also miss some functionality in the admin interface
> (or even database structure). I have not created any site using Midgard
> yet, but I wonder how people work on running sites? Eg. how to change the
> style so I could see how it would look like, without changing the style
> for the regular users (until I am sure it is OK)?
Usually it means creation of temporary site with the same root page
but different style applied, and switching it over original when
result is good enough by just several mouse clicks.

> I have looked at cvsweb interface, and noticed that Midgard-2 files (for
> PHP4) were updated 9 months ago - does it mean that there is no work
> going? What is the state of integrating Midgard with PHP4?
We now working with 1.4 version. PHP4 require several changes - we
need to patch Zend, patch PHP itself, add our module and modify
module's source for PHP4 way. Take current PHP source for 1.4 version
from our CVS and feel free to do investigations (Midgard 2 sources
contain preliminary work on PHP4's port).
> As I am a PHP programmer, I would be able to contribute to the project,
> but it is hard for me to find the direction of development of the project.
> Is this list the correct place to find this kind of information?
Yes and no. Please look at [EMAIL PROTECTED] too.
(http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=midgard-dev for archives)

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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