Hello Sébastien,

Wednesday, May 17, 2000, 12:13:34 AM, you wrote:
>> need to patch Zend, patch PHP itself, add our module and modify
>> module's source for PHP4 way
> When  I  read  this,  and  considering how 'difficult' (not the good
> word,  tricky)  it  is  to install midgard, it seems obvious midgard
> need to be on a dedicated server non ?
:-) It took 10-30 minute depending on machine's power to install
Midgard from source. Also we have binary packages for RedHat, SuSE,
Debian (though not at production stage now), and Linux Mandrake.

As for dedicate server - in general yes, because you should have
access to Apache configuration at least.

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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