On Thu, 18 May 2000, Henri Bergius wrote:

> On 17 May, Emiliano wrote:
> However, we'll start driving from Karlskrona towards
> the Netherlands in Tuesday 20th morning, and will
> probably be there sometime in the evening.
> The departure date to Paris then depends on how long
> we want to be in .nl. I'd imagine we'd like to be there
> for one full day, and then start moving to Paris 
> sometime in Thursday 22nd.

Works for me. Michael and Eero want to visit some people but that
probably doesn't take a full day.

> David, Jean-Pierre and Emile, what time would be OK
> to you for the IRC session?

I'm good for 20:00 UTC or later on weekdays.

> Of course, others interested
> in the arrangements are also free to attend.

Michael, Eero?


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