On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Josh Luthman wrote:

That letter makes me sick. I still stand by Tranzeo on this issue as I believe they did the right thing.

The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter who, exactly, was at fault. It is clear from some of my customers that the problem is not just a Tranzeo issue. This is a problem that has an impact on pure Mikrotik networks as well. I have a couple of customers who are testing now with this new firmware and I will report their results as soon as we have a few more days to evaluate. I can say that it looks promising, however, both with Tranzeo AND other CPE, including Mikrotik.

*Butch Evans                    *Professional Network Consultation *
*Network Engineering            *MikroTik RouterOS                 *
*573-276-2879                   *ImageStream                       *
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