We go with whomever solves the problem fastest and with the least hassle. That's the company to go with in our book.


D. Ryan Spott wrote:
I mentioned that. While it might not be correct when it comes to karma, it is correct when you have a board and shareholders to contend with.

_I_ have a fiduciary responsibility to my investors and my customers but (and I think Tranzeo did this):

"If we do the right thing all the time, the numbers will follow...."
-Isao Ike Yukawa --Kyocera's senior managing executive officer


Randy Cosby wrote:
Throwing in my 2 cents:

Someone mentioned something about one of the parties having a fiduciary duty to not help a competitor. That attitude, which I hope is not prevailing in this and future instances, will only end up hurting both parties.
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - Ghandi

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