Tranzeo has had their problems too.. I went round and round with them on 5 and 10 mhz channels for the CPQ when it first came out. Their first units did it and did it great, we still have them in production. Then they changed them and they didn't even though their advertising said they did. We sent units back and forth for a month. I paid for the shipping in one direction. It's why we switched to Ubiquiti. I also visited the factory and got told sorry no visit. That was after being told yes and it was quite a ways out of my way. About 500 miles. But they own up to their responsibilities and they always get something working. Looks like both sides have merit here, it's just easier to deal with Tranzeo most times...


D. Ryan Spott wrote:
No, Tranzeo has not removed threads or given curt answers. I live 2 hours south of Pitt Meadows and had the great opportunity to go up to one of Tranzeo's training sessions. My wife is the ?only? at least the first, female certified Tranzeo installer. We had a great time and were able to really meet and speak with the people that makes this gear.

When we were there we really gave Tranzeo a hard time regarding their product, and we were able to learn about how their product came to be. Lots of customer feedback and just plain financial analysis as to what was making money, and what was not. An example of this feedback loop is here: One of the people there complained about some vibration issues on the L bracket that is on the back of all of the radios. The CEO defended the bracket and all of the time he spent working on it. At least he spent a hell of alot of time working on it after bloodying his hands on the sharp edges that *used* to be on it (he showed scars). Well, this guy was pretty adamant that there was a vibration issue and the discussion got semi heated so we all thought it was over. We went through the next day of classes and then Tocher (the CEO) popped in at the last minute and handed the guy a bracket with some odd bends in it. "I just spent the last 8 hours on our bending machine to see what we could come up with, try these out and let me know"

I guess this CEO guy got tired of buying stuff from outside and putting it together, so they now own the machines that make the products they used to buy from vendors. (metal bending, spot welding, surface mount solder etc.) I think the only thing they bring in that is not in component level parts is the antennas with N connectors and the cardboard boxes they use to ship things in.

I was also able to see some of the more nutsy stuff they have to deal with as far as customers go. You know that story about the CR-Rom cup-holder that tech support folks like to talk about? Well there is a wireless equivalent of this as well! One of the senior guys was showing me a picture of a customer that had 4 or 8 24db grid antennae in a circular pattern an a tower and was complaining because it would not work right! (think <> but made out of grids!)


Sam Tetherow wrote:
The big difference for me is I have never heard of Tranzeo removing threads from forums or changing wiki pages when there is a problem. It seem to me that Damien and staff roll their sleeves up and take care of the problem.

On the other hand I know of a couple of threads that have vanished and only addressed quite some time later.

Quite honestly I would rather have a vendor that openly acknowledges their warts and fixes them than one that covers them up until they are fixed. If I know they are actively working on it I'll cut them some slack, the other way around I am left trying to figure out if it is really the vendor's issue, another vendor's issue, my issue or Murphey's fault.
    Sam Tetherow
    Sandhills Wireless

D. Ryan Spott wrote:
I mentioned that. While it might not be correct when it comes to karma, it is correct when you have a board and shareholders to contend with.

_I_ have a fiduciary responsibility to my investors and my customers but (and I think Tranzeo did this):

"If we do the right thing all the time, the numbers will follow...."
-Isao Ike Yukawa --Kyocera's senior managing executive officer


Randy Cosby wrote:
Throwing in my 2 cents:

Someone mentioned something about one of the parties having a fiduciary duty to not help a competitor. That attitude, which I hope is not prevailing in this and future instances, will only end up hurting both parties.
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - Ghandi

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