On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, J Moore wrote:

> I want to set up an OBSD box as a file server for some Windoze boxes. I
> think a RAID 1 setup will provide sufficient reliability - and it
> appears to be the cheapest way to go.
Yep, do it all the time.

> One of the disks craps out... an alarm goes off... I walk in with a new
> drive, and replace the failed one (hot-swap?)... beeping stops... no
> data is lost, system "heals" itself by taking care of the new drive...
> years pass, and life is good.
If you want good reliability & minimum cost, we use RaidFrame all the
time. Only two problems with your scenario:

1) The parity rebuild times can get pretty long (30+ minutes);

2) Your 'alarm' would be the nightly email saying that the drive set did
not pass parity check (i.e. not realtime).

> Is this feasible - can I remain ignorant of the RAID details and jargon,
> and still benefit from it?
If you don't want to use s/w raid, get a BIOS-level like the AccuSys
already mentioned.


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