gmail interface in xxxterm causes browser to  crash. If I'm quick
enough and switch to basic (html) interface then it's running, but
sooner or later some page will bring browser  down.

in ff4(or any other ff available in packages) browser crashes
immediately when I'm trying to log in gmail and page starts
loading.Doesn't matter if it's safe mode, new profile, .mozilla
removed or not.

chrome is working quite fine, but still there is quite too much
crashes resulting in core files, but those are crashes of tabs and not
whole broswer so probably that's issue of obsd is not so well
supported by devs of chrome or whatever.

I'm using snapshots, do updates every week or so, after that sysmerge
and pkg_add -ui. Just yesterday tried building current, but still same
results with browsers. Can test more today during night or newer
snapshot if there is one. Only msttcorefonts installed from ports.

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Otto Moerbeek <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 03:31:03PM -0500, Chris Bennett wrote:
>> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 10:08:18PM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
>> >
>> > Update devel/dconf to the very latest revision.
>> >
>> I tried that first a few days ago and just now (no update).
>> I just updated FF4 and FF35 and I now get:
>> $ /usr/local/bin/firefox
>> /usr/local/lib/firefox-4.0.1/firefox-bin:/usr/X11R6/lib/
/usr/X11R6/lib/ : WARNING: symbol(_XkeyTable) size mismatch,
relink your program
>> $ /usr/local/bin/firefox35
>> /usr/local/firefox35/firefox35-bin:/usr/X11R6/lib/
/usr/X11R6/lib/ : WARNING: symbol(_XkeyTable) size mismatch,
relink your program
>> I will try the newer version in ports.
>> Chris Bennett
> One more question: are you building ports yourself These messsages are
> an indicaton your system is not consistent. I recommend installing a
> snap and get your packages from a mirror as well. That would rule out
> build problems.
> Note that recently a new version of webkit was comitted. New packages
> snaps containing that are noy yet there. But a few developers already
> spotted problems with it, that are being investigated.
> B  B  B  B -Otto

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