On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 05:24:46PM -0500, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> Then I removed the vmmap diff and compiled kernel & a reboot later,
> firefox crashes are gone.

Ofcourse, only a few days from now, this won't work anymore. May 20 is
the planned vmmap day. Starting then, you won't be able to back out

The crashes in firefox can be because:
- vmmap has a bug (very possible, since it is a big, complicated
- firefox has a bug (very possible, since it is a big, complicated
- any of firefox' dependant libraries has a bug (very possible, as some
  are big, complicated libraries like X)

The nice part is that: we don't really know which system is wrong and
attempts to debug are sabotaged by developers that thing writing your
own sigsegv handler makes you sexy and gets you girls.
I could rant about this all day, but I'll shut up and instead get the
emacs bug fixed on i386.

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