On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 06:17:53PM +0200, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> Hi all,
> as some of you maybe know there's new player on OS market called
> http://smartos.org . What's starting to be interesting is their "port"
> of KVM to Solaris code base which is used as a kernel module.
> Bryan Cantrill didn't talk much about licenses in his paper
> http://www.linux-kvm.org/wiki/images/7/71/2011-forum-porting-to-smartos.pdf
> No matter how much interesting it sounds, the question on licensing
> was addressed vaguely (if at all) during the talk.  In a private chat
> later, Bryan mentioned there's no violation at all, but here you can
> find a little more discussion https://lwn.net/Articles/455008/
> In NetBSD is eg. dtrace/zfs made as module. The question now is if
> those ports are CDDL, GPL or BSD licensed. Probably there was not
> similar case at court yet.
> As I know CDDL parts are (for example as modules) in FreeBSD and
> NetBSD and there were couple of threads on misc@ about porting
> zfs/dtrace to OpenBSD as  well.
> OpenBSD is really clear about its policy, but do you think that it's
> really possible to port stuff this way  and made it available as
> module without need for change of license or worrying about shark
> suits?

Sure you can make a port.  You can have all kinds of unfree things in
packages.  So go for it.

> Thx
> PS: No flame at all. I just think that this situation can be
> interesting regarding future because of mixing licenses in some of
> systems which are not so strict about license policy

Only for the base OS.  Packages can have all kinds of crazy licenses.

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