On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:17 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>
>> yeah, you gotta wonder about that.
>> No, really, you don't.
>> Those that tell you it is about "Freedom" are mostly full of shit.
>> It's about "it didn't cost me anything" to most of them.
> We've got an entire operating system which is completely free as a
> base; besides that, a shrinking set of GPL2 components are used to
> help us build.  Maybe in the future that will change.  A variety of
> choices are slowly in play.
> And now, because of "ZFS and dtrace", we should throw that entire
> Bostic-started effort out the window.  Screw freedom, I need ZFS and
> dtrace.
> Don't be fooled.  This request does not come from people who love ZFS
> or dtrace.  It comes from people who apparently love btoh ZFS _and_
> dtrace (otherwise, once in a while we'd get a mail from someone who
> only mentions ZFS, right?).  Because, as you all know, everyone needs
> both "ZFS and dtrace", or they are doomed and it is a certainly that
> Satan and Bill will consume their souls for eternity.  Yes, I need
> dtrace.  Today tomorrow and forever, or I will go to hell.  dtrace or
> death.
> Yes, some of you will think I am silly, but if you do, please go check
> some mail archives and you will see that apparently most ZFS people
> don't care about ZFS, unless they post to *BSD mailing lists, and then
> suddenly pushing dtrace becomes a real pressure point.
> I don't know where these people come from but they seem like agents of
> Stallman or Company X or Company Y, at the very least some kind of
> "divide and conquer" or "divide or conquer" effort is in play.  Don't
> even bother to respond to such people, unless your mail explains to
> others what is going on.  The real key phrase to watch for here is
> that there are people who always mix "ZFS and dtrace" together.
> Everytime they are mixed together, the person posting it is of the
> type that has zero use for dtrace.  They've been fooled by someone to
> equate those two as "equal value".
> Who are these "ZFS and dtrace" people? Are they HFT programmers?  I
> really don't know.  Do they help the project?  I can assure you that
> they do not.
> I bet they couldn't use dtrace to their advantage of their life
> depended on it.
> Yet "ZFS and dtrace" so often mentioned together...
> Don't be fooled.  In fact, I urge our users to investigate every
> person who has mentioned "ZFS and dtrace" together in the past.  Their
> agenda is not the one that you or I believe in.  Their agenda is
> division.

DTrace is really really really cool but it is totally inadvisable to
integrate because of future problems.

I don't think Free and Net learnt anything from the old Unix lawsuit,
the whole unpleasantness of it.

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