On 08/23/11 12:17, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> OpenBSD is really clear about its policy, but do you think that it's
> really possible to port stuff this way  and made it available as
> module without need for change of license or worrying about shark
> suits?

"porting" stuff isn't the issue, usually.  OpenBSD doesn't avoid
importing new GPL, CDDL, etc. code because the code can't be imported
into the OpenBSD project by the terms of the proposed code, OpenBSD
avoids importing other licenses because it limits the utility of
OpenBSD, and the ability to be used for any purpose the user desires.

Could OpenBSD "import" ZFS in one of many ways?  Sure.
Could you use it in all the ways you could use OpenBSD now?  No.
YOU, the user, are the one who has to worry about the sharks.

It's about YOU, not the code.

> Thx
> PS: No flame at all. I just think that this situation can be
> interesting regarding future because of mixing licenses in some of
> systems which are not so strict about license policy

yeah, you gotta wonder about that.
No, really, you don't.
Those that tell you it is about "Freedom" are mostly full of shit.
It's about "it didn't cost me anything" to most of them.

Watch a person's actions, not their words.
They can chant all they want about "freedom", but when they willingly
stick their hands in the cuffs because it's easier in the short term,
their actions have spoken, it's about the effort, not the freedom.
They can chant all they want about the "perfection" of their license,
but when they freely contaminate it with other license with more
restrictions, they have shown their real motivation.

ZFS is cool, don't get me wrong.  But...by making it such a core part of
what makes FreeBSD special, FreeBSD is no longer BSD-free...it's CDDL or
whatever the Oracle sharks (which make the Sun sharks look sane) want it
to be-free.  Maybe that's good enough for you, maybe it isn't.  YOU have
to pay the lawyers to figure it out, though, not FreeBSD.

With something like ZFS, you have two choices:
1) keep it as a "side" project, like OpenBSD does with Chrome, Firefox,
etc.  You can build an OpenBSD-based product without any of those
things..by not adding the packages.  But for something like a file
system...do you really want to bet your data on a file system treated
like a bastard step-child, tested by only a few users, and not really
core to the system?  A file system isn't a browser.  When your browser
crashes, well, we are all used to that (says something right there,
doesn't it?).  You don't want your file system working that way, do you?

2) Embrace the product, use it everywhere, assume the user will base
their solutions on it.  In that case...the project is now effectively
FreeCDDL and NetCDDL.  That's fine if that's what they want (obviously,
they do) and they go in eyes open (not so sure about that).


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