On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 03:04:33PM +0100, Christer Solskogen wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Leonardo Sabino dos Santos
> <leonardo.sab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I pressed Enter by mistake there (and realized my mistake a couple of
> > seconds too late). The kind of confirmation I expected is something
> > like: "This will erase all partitions, are you sure (y/n)?",
> What if you mistyped there as well? Do you want a "Are you REALLY
> REALLY sure?"?
> It reminds me of the installer of WindowMaker (I belive, I might be
> mistaken) who did that. Asked you multiple times if you where sure
> that you have done everything correctly. And the last question was
> "Are you lying?" :-)

That's a nice one. But there is a point in that, it forces the user to
alternate from pressing "y" to pressing "n", which increases the
possibility for the reply being thought through.

I just want to defend the OP a wee bit.

Most installers I have encountered; Linux, FreeBSD, ... have a
very pronounced confirmation question just before making irreversible
changes to the target disk. Especially the ones that start by
collecting configuration information and then do the installation
in one pass without user interaction (SuSE comes to mind),
which the OpenBSD installer nowdays does more than in the past...

So I think a pronounced confirmation question before touching the disk
is not a bad thing. It is what many would expect.

> -- 
> chs,


/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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