On Jul 16 21:25:34, amitk...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Are the various cvs mirrors allowing compression? I tried with cvs -z 5. I
> currently sync from anoncvs3.usa and I think it doesn't, atleast the option
> of tcpdump -A didn't show me any decompression activity, just ssh packets
> being sent. top also didn't show any unzip or tar in the -I option....

The compression and decompression happens within the client/server
- there is no tar or unzip or whatever extra process involved.
Also, how would tcpdump "show decompression activity"?
Of course it just shows the ssh packets.

> If any mirror admin allows compression, please let me/us know. If they are
> willing to publicize the allowed compression level, please put in the list
> of cvs mirrors page!

I believe the mirrors allow whatever compression you ask for.

> Syncing to src, ports, xenocara wastes many MB per month per person...and
> any help would be appreciated to cut down network traffic. 

Per person?  Why don't you just sync to one place,
and let the local users sync from that? That alone
will cut your traffic by a factor of 1/persons.

Also, how "many MB per month" is it actually,
and what percentage of your monthly traffic is it?

I wouldn't be surprised that

(1) you are actually using the cvs -z compression already
(2) the savings of compressing some more are negligible
    in your overal monthly traffic
(3) using ssh compression makes the inner cvs compression irrelevant
    (and someone has numbers to back that up)


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