hmm, on Sun, Nov 27, 2005 at 05:34:49PM -0500, Nick Holland said that
> Rene Rivera wrote:
> > Hannah Schroeter wrote:
> ...
> >> Deciding for *any* resolution is *bad* "design".
> > 
> > The current doesn't "work" at 640x480... Does that make it a 
> > bad design? And hence should be considered a bug to be fixed by a new 
> > design?

it doesn't even work at 800x600 without making the fonts smaller.
yes it is bad design.

> Adding CSS to the OpenBSD website "because it's cool" is pure bullshit,
> but your claim (if true) is not.

<sigh>  opposing css "because it's cool" isn't very professional
either.  sorry Nick, i don't agree with you on this one.  welcome
to the 21st century of web pages.  didn't keep telnetd, why not
step up the new (actually quite old) web standard?

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