Hello all!

I am testing OpenBSD 5.5 Release over XenServer 6.2 with HVM and qemu-dm
wrapper to change the default r8139 to virtio, adapted from [1].

So, to test the server private network throughput and other things related,
I am using netcat. In this fashion:

nc -lu 9000 < /dev/zero > /dev/null

nc -u 9000 < /dev/zero > /dev/null

Despite of pings showing 18ms of average time, it reached near 1Gbps of
cross traffic (600Mbps in to and 300Mbps out from virtual router, at
average) in the following configuration:

. two virtual networks (int0 and int1 - internal networks)
. one router between them
. two vms for each network

In int0, vms are servers (nc -l, as described before). In int1, vms are
clients. Of course, there are no such terms when the connection starts,
both ends are server and client at same time.

Trying to start the same netcat idea, but in TCP mode, it only generate a
few Mbps (mostly seem: 10Mbps of cross traffic, 5 in and 5 out) for each
client/server. What could it be? No clues here, as a similar test with em
on bare metal gave few Mbits less than UDP.

And the main question: are this a good method to stress the virtual
structure, or there are other good methods?

Thank you for your time,
Raimundo Santos

[1] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=135336071024634&w=2

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