On Jul 19, 2014, at 11:51 AM, Raimundo Santos <rait...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all!
> I am testing OpenBSD 5.5 Release over XenServer 6.2 with HVM and qemu-dm
> wrapper to change the default r8139 to virtio, adapted from [1].
> So, to test the server private network throughput and other things related,
> I am using netcat. In this fashion:
> nc -lu 9000 < /dev/zero > /dev/null
> nc -u 9000 < /dev/zero > /dev/null

Are you counting all those zeros to make sure they all came through?

'cause TCP is guaranteed delivery, in order.  UDP guarantees nothing.


> Despite of pings showing 18ms of average time, it reached near 1Gbps of
> cross traffic (600Mbps in to and 300Mbps out from virtual router, at
> average) in the following configuration:
> . two virtual networks (int0 and int1 - internal networks)
> . one router between them
> . two vms for each network
> In int0, vms are servers (nc -l, as described before). In int1, vms are
> clients. Of course, there are no such terms when the connection starts,
> both ends are server and client at same time.
> Trying to start the same netcat idea, but in TCP mode, it only generate a
> few Mbps (mostly seem: 10Mbps of cross traffic, 5 in and 5 out) for each
> client/server. What could it be? No clues here, as a similar test with em
> on bare metal gave few Mbits less than UDP.

> And the main question: are this a good method to stress the virtual
> structure, or there are other good methods?
> Thank you for your time,
> Raimundo Santos
> [1] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=135336071024634&w=2

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