On Tue, 1 Dec 2015 18:41:24 -0200
Michel Behr <michelb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just one more thing: for non-developers, if you think there's any
> sense in this idea I just described, please, some "seconding" and/or
> additions would be welcomed. Also some e-mails directed to
> fundrais...@openbsdfoundation.org would be great in this regard too.

Oh God. I don't think Bob and others in the foundation will be happy
getting their mailboxes spammed. I'm sure they read this mailing list
- +1 emails don't sound like a good idea to me.

> (Again: OpenBSD developers should *NOT* need to get involved in this
> discussion, this is between non-developers and the OpenBSD
> foundation).

OpenBSD foundation consists of at least some developers :)


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