$ ulimit -a
time(cpu-seconds)    unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
data(kbytes)         3584000
stack(kbytes)        4096
lockedmem(kbytes)    2701637
memory(kbytes)       8101908
nofiles(descriptors) 128
processes            256

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 3:52 PM, ilyes aiouaz <ilyes.aio...@gmail.com>

> Le 19/04/2016 19:11, Daniel Boyd a écrit :
>> Firefox has been quite stable, with or without the 'noscript' plug-in,
>> since I increased my data allocation. The crashes that I saw
>>> previously were all due to running out of memory (I don't run a
>>> desktop, just a wm, nor do I use xdm, so it's easy to see Firefox
>>> errors on the vt where I ran the 'startx' command).
>>> I'm running xdm and xfce4, so I suppose the culprit must lie in there
>> somewhere...   The crashes seem to happen when certain other programs
>> launch.  Like evince and libreoffice...  It really doesn't seem to like
>> anything gtk3-based.  Once it starts crashing, I can see 5 or 6 crashes
>> within a span of 5-10 minutes.  And then it won't crash for a day or two.
>> Hi Everybody,
> Did you change the following parameters in the /etc/login.conf :
> default:\
>         ...
>         :datasize-max= :\
>         :datasize-cur= :\
>         :maxproc-max= :\
>         :maxproc-cur= :\
>         :openfiles-cur= :\
>         :stacksize-cur= :\
> staff:\
>         :datasize-cur= :\
>         ...

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