Hello Paul,

Did you adjust advskew value on the machine you want to be Backup ?

For example:


# cat hostname.carp0

vhid 1 cardev em0 pass THEPASSWORD

# cat hostname.carp0

vhid 1 cardev em0 advskew 100 pass THEPASSWORD

I think could be it


2016-10-10 20:30 GMT-03:00 Paul B. Henson <hen...@acm.org>:

> I'm setting up a second router that's going to sit next to an existing
> one and become a redundant failover system. The current one is in
> production, and I've been converting some of the existing LAN subnets on it
> to use carp interfaces and making them primary and the new box
> secondary. I also set up a carp interface on the WAN side and made the
> new box primary for testing as that didn't exist before. That all
> worked fine when I set it up by hand, but when I rebooted the new box,
> the old box stayed primary for everything including the WAN interface,
> which I tracked down to the carp demote counter, which ended up at 2 on
> the new box after the reboot:
> bash-4.3# ifconfig -g carp
> carp: carp demote count 2
> After I manually decreased the demote counter by 2 back to 0 the WAN
> interface master switched back to the new box.
> I'm not sure what's doing that at boot? I am running ospfd on the box,
> but I don't have any demote statements in my configuration. I'm also
> running npppd, but I don't see anything about that and carp demotion.
> What else might be setting carp demotion values?
> Thanks...

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