Hello sorry my bad english

So, Let's debug

Review carp/pfsync ( NODE1-carp0/NODE2-carp0 samepassword  and same vhid
 for each pair ) ( pfsync syncdev ) ( /etc/hostname.pfsync0 = up syndev

check default gateway on both ( /etc/mygate)  /  sysctl ip.forwarding=1 and
carp.preempt=1  (  /etc/sysctl.conf )

( pf rules )

put carp and pfsync rules on the TOP of your rules ( for debug purpose set
skip on { lo0 $pfsyncdev }

=> pass quick on { $carpdev $carpdev2 $carpdev3 } proto carp keep state
(no-sync) <=

- Check with tcpdump pflog if carp packets are being dropped

- Check if all carps interfaces are as  MASTER in the current node and
check if all is as BACKUP on another

- Check if in the current backup node the states are syncing ( systat
states )  ( compare on both pfctl -ss | wc -l )  almost the same quantity .

Bring up to MASTER  the primary node ( ifconfig -g carp carpdemote 30 on
current master node ) the slave need to have a lower value of carpdemote
 and  NOT DEFINE advskew in the Primary leave default ( 0 )  just on backup
set  advskew and put a high value ( advskew 100 )  ( hostname.carp )

- Check  carpdemote on the new primary master  ( ifconfig -g carp )  if the
value is not 0 set to

- Reboot the slave node ... and when back check if  keep as slave ( check
systat states ) ( compare on both pfctl -ss | wc -l ) must be almost equal.

- Check carpdemote on slave should be 0

Reboot the Primary/Master and when back its supposed to be Master

* if you have a huge traffic ( the node you rebooted must delay until
states be syncronized )

About ospf I have no experience working with carp.

one more time sorry any typo


2016-10-10 22:58 GMT-03:00 Paul B. Henson <hen...@acm.org>:

> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 09:43:56PM -0300, R0me0 *** wrote:
> > Did you adjust advskew value on the machine you want to be Backup ?
> Yes, the backup has an advskew of 5 and the primary an advskew of 1. As
> I mentioned, when I first configured the interfaces by hand the two
> systems properly negotiated master/backup roles, it was only after I
> rebooted the one that was supposed to be primary on this interface that
> it came up as backup, and I traced it to the fact the the carp demote value
> was set to 2. When I manually changed the carp demote value to 0, the
> system once again pre-empted the master role on the interface.
> I'm just not sure what is twiddling with the carp demotion value. Unless
> ospdf does it by default? The man page for the config file reads like it
> would only do it if you explicitly include the demote keyword in the
> area or interface section.
> Thanks for the suggestion though.

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