On 12 June 2017 at 03:02, Anthony Campbell <a...@acampbell.uk> wrote:
> On 11 Jun 2017, Donald Allen wrote:
>> On 11 June 2017 at 19:16, Davor Balder <da...@cropakglobal.com> wrote:
>> They are not everyone's cup of tea, but I use a tiling window manager
>> with OpenBSD (I like xmonad, but there are other choices: dwm, i3,
>> awesome; there's also spectrwm, written originally, I believe, by
>> someone formerly associated with OpenBSD; I've tried it multiple times
>> over the years and always had problems with it). The point of these
> [snip]
> Interesting; I've used spectrwm exclusively for the last 3+ years and
> like it better than any of the tiling alternatives.

It's been quite awhile since I tried it and it's possible the issues
I've encountered have been fixed. Or that they were specific to my
video hardware.

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