I spent yesterday and today installing 6.1 from scratch on a Dell Optiplex 
gx620. The machine has a pentium 4 @3.0GHz with 4GB non ECC RAM, returning a 
passmark of 354*. The aim is to replace the accountant's windows 10 pro 
tomorrow morning, moving the disk into his more recent Dell. In summary, I have 
everything he needs, including a gui that looks like windows 7, except for the 
following, so far:

a toolbar icon for the printer and a gui for cups, configuring and testing the 
printer (cups), the scanner (sane),  and the remote desktop to a windows server 

The only thing that refrains me from using it myself is the lack of Apple-like 
keyboard shortcuts on everything. They are a real time saver; forget about 
mouse and menu bars, you do everything everywhere with the same command-s, 
command-c, command-z, etc. By comparison, copying and pasting across windows 
and vim on other OSs is a royal pain. Opening tabs on terminal, firefox, file 
manager, vim, you name it: just command-t.

Anyway, it works, it is rock solid, and it is fucking fast, excuse my French. 
The only app that heats up the CPU is fucking firefox, excuse my French again. 
So, pending the above, the resulting desktop OS would be good enough for 
everyday office use, PXE bootable and ansible/remotely configurable.

*By comparison, the NUC6I5SYK has a passmark of 4300, 12x faster than this Dell.

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