On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 16:27:26 -0200 x9p wrote:
> .. .but of course need to act upon receiving a court order.

Which was raised by solicitors ("lawyers" is USA speak) in the hosting
country, in a court room, in the hosting country, and legally authorised
by the government of the hosting country, for sheriffs/bailiffs/police
of the hosting country to enforce.

USA subpoenas have no legal validity outside the USA, which is why
British Spamhaus refused to comply with a US Federal District court:

"The Illinois ruling shows how spammers can game US courts with ease,
as no proof or due process is required in certain US courts in order to
obtain default judgments over clearly foreign entities with no ties to
the US. ......  judgments from United States courts are not recognised
in the United Kingdom. A Plaintiff seeking to have a US default order
enforced in the United Kingdom has no choice but to re-file the case in
a British court of law and fully prove jurisdiction as well as the
merits of the case under British law."


The US legal system is slack, has low legal standards and procedures,
and it's judges pridefully think they rule the world.    AKA ego.

"OpenBSD is developed and released from Canada and due to Canadian law
it is legal to export crypto to the world"    USA law is not valid in


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