On 5/9/2019 9:21 AM, James Huddle wrote:
If the following questions trigger a sense of road rage, you may
safely assume they are not directed to you.

Is anyone running in single-user mode regularly?
Is anyone running a web server, for instance, in single-user mode?

Many thanks in advance.  Shields up.

It is theoretically possible to do that, but you'd have to do -a lot-
of work to get it to do so.  It'd be much easier finding a proper
way to accomplish what you want without running single-user.

Single-user is meant as a fail-safe in case your system is too broken
to boot normally, but not so broken that you have to resort to bsd.rd
It lacks the ability to start any daemons that aren't run as root,
you'll have to manually mount your partitions (including remounting
root as R/W), networking isn't going to be configured yet, and even
when its up, you aren't going to have any security features turned on, and just so much else you'd expect in an OS is going to be missing.

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