On 17/05/2019, Roderick <hru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as I know, DOS was not multitasking.

You're mostly correct, except there were task-switchers and there were
some multitasking-capable versions of DOS, notably Novell (ex-DR-) DOS
7. This was not very successful in the marketplace, in part because it
was late in DOS's life cycle*, but also because Microsoft engaged in
anticompetitive practices in that they deliberately engineered the
DOS-based Windows of the day to be incompatible with Novell's arguably
technically superior DOS flavour. This led to the "AARD" lawsuit --
which Microsoft settled for a cool 280 million dollars, as has since
been disclosed. And that was the end of that.

*though we may also ask if DOS's life cycle might have been extended
had DOS 7 succeeded


> On Fri, 17 May 2019, gwes wrote:
>> "single user" = a system running with no resource restrictions
>>   and all but the absolutely essential services and processes stopped

>> A prime example of a "single user" system according to your definition
>> is MSDOS. No restrictions on anything. How reliable is/was it?

I think the OP inaccurately equated "single user" with single-task.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but to my understanding, a Unix-like
system (to wit: OpenBSD) in "single user" mode is still multitasking,
albeit just between essential services.


> On Fri, 17 May 2019, gwes wrote:
>> You can delete files. Do you want to be able to accidentally delete ANY
>> file? Or do you want to be able to write-protect some of them?

>> A prime example of a "single user" system according to your definition
>> is MSDOS. No restrictions on anything. How reliable is/was it?

In the history of the (Berkeley) Fast File System, has there ever been
an attempt to implement DOS-like undelete for FFS/UFS?
(I understand that for technical reasons, this could require running a
daemon that remembers just enough metadata to keep data recoverable so
long as it's not overwritten. I also understand that running a daemon
that remembers things nominally deleted would have security
implications, which may not keep me from running a daemond that w/o
being perfect could protect me from myself at least some of the time.)
I did find this:
-- which didn't seem to suggest that the answer was any yessier now
than thirty years ago. So, that's a no, then? Anyone? Bueller?

On 17/05/2019, Roderick <hru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 17 May 2019, gwes wrote:
>> You are correct on the surface and very misled as to the underlying
>> concept.
> You gave him an excellent answer. I hope many people read it.
> He should just read the Unix paper I mentioned in other post. Not
> the multiusersystem is a burden, bloat in modern unixoiudes.
> It is a very simple and usefull concept.
>> A prime example of a "single user" system according to your definition
>> is MSDOS. No restrictions on anything. How reliable is/was it?
> Well, that was not a good example. As far as I know, DOS was not
> multitasking. If there may be many processes, then the idea of
> classifying and restricting them follows immediately.
> But what is the cause of this confussion? Most desktop systems,
> the ones that perhaps the OP has in mind, are a big confuse bloat,
> so that the simple unix idea is difficult to recognize in them.
> Rodrigo

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