On Fri, 17 May 2019, gwes wrote:

You are correct on the surface and very misled as to the underlying concept.

You gave him an excellent answer. I hope many people read it.

He should just read the Unix paper I mentioned in other post. Not
the multiusersystem is a burden, bloat in modern unixoiudes.
It is a very simple and usefull concept.

A prime example of a "single user" system according to your definition
is MSDOS. No restrictions on anything. How reliable is/was it?

Well, that was not a good example. As far as I know, DOS was not
multitasking. If there may be many processes, then the idea of
classifying and restricting them follows immediately.

But what is the cause of this confussion? Most desktop systems,
the ones that perhaps the OP has in mind, are a big confuse bloat,
so that the simple unix idea is difficult to recognize in them.


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