On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 08:39:09PM +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> Hi folks,
> the upgrade guide claims
>       A detailed cleanup can be done with the aid of the sysclean package.
> sysclean lists 4180 files and directories on my home server, including mail
> directories, config files of various external packages, generated files, .git
> directories, etc. A lot of stuff I wouldn't like to lose. Apparently it also
> lists a lot of old crap, but since it lists *so many* important files I don't
> trust it at all.
> Could you please elaborate how sysclean is going to help me to keep my openbsd
> hosts clean? How is the usage model of this tool?

Like any base tool, start with its man page:

man sysclean

Add any directories you want to keep into /etc/sysclean.ignore
(start with the sample provided to ensure you keep the include at the end).

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