On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 05:46:27PM +0100, b...@fea.st wrote:
> I did this now:
> ~$ mv .xsession .xsession.old                                                 
> ~$ mv .cwmrc .cwmrc.old                                                       
> ~$ doas reboot
> This landed me in fvwm.  Even here, xev doesn't see the keypress.
> I then did 'echo exec cwm > .xsession' and restarted X.
> Here too, xev did not detect the keypress.

I tried it on my T420 laptop 

(kern.version=OpenBSD 7.4-current (GENERIC.MP) #1669).

setxkbmap de
exec cwm

The Print key works fine with the laptop keyboard. 

If I attach an external USB keyboard, the Print key doesn't show up in



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