> Just out of curiosity, why are you trying to take in money by nickels
> and dimes rather than obtaining research grants from the Alberta
> government?

I think you underestimate the difficulty of doing this.  It would
require a full time person doing the grant application forms.

> Alberta is rolling in cash, and has specifically stated it wants to
> invest in technological research so that it will be in a good position
> when oil money begins to dwindle.  OpenBSD could surely qualify as a
> research organization without too much trouble, at which point you'd be
> eligible for substantial provincial funding.

The above is a lie.  If Alberta ever runs out of oil, we will be the
first up against the wall because these government words are just
plans and they cannot pull them off.  In the 1980's there were all
sorts of IT joint research ventures here, and every single one of them
was a complete money grab.  Some of you may know that in the first
year of OpenBSD I did some contracting to Willowglen which wasa a JRV
with the Alberta goverment for SCADA stuff.  The Alberta government
had lots of money and plans then too, just like now, but soon as the
government stopped putting money in the entire company pulled up and
moved to Singapore (and now to Malaysia).  So I know how it works

> I recognize that government grants come with red-tape, and people are
> often disdainful of taking "hand-outs".  In this case, however, I'd
> think the pros outweigh the cons.  Don't you have a wish-list of things
> you'd implement or improve if you got sufficient funding?
> Something to think about...

I have looked into these things before.  It is not as easy as you
think, to get these things setup.  It requires writing an incredible
amount of paperwork and explaining it to people who don't understand
any of the technology.  The projects they choose are judged entirely
by their ability to wear the suit and graft money off to the existing
old boy's club.

I have a 2000 line diff to OpenSSH in the works, which is not yet
perfect.  Then I know I have a bunch more lint auditing to do -- yes,
in OpenSSH again.  Should I put that aside, and go write some
accountant text for the next two weeks instead?

I know what I will do :)

(And anyways, why should Alberta research money be paying for the
failings of IBM, Sun, HP, and RedHat to pony up what they sell to
their customers).

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