hmm, on Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 07:08:00PM +0000, Craig said that
> How long I have been a user is irrelevant, to be honest. I resent the
> overtones of elitism, of which it appears you are complaining about in
> others.

as some other "elitist" will surely point out to you, posting
a private letter on a mailing list is quite rude.

you are mixing up elitism with experience.
not that the first doesn't come with the other :)

> I am merely an enthusiast, but I make what contributions I can and I do
> it because I personally feel it is the right thing to do. I have not

and where is that better than what i do?
let me write it down here for you:

that i don't agree with Theo in some things and i voice my opinion
makes me the number 1 public openbsd enemy or what?

you can ignore, that's for sure.  but you don't...
at least i made you think about it.

i may be wrong, but i'm never in doubt!

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