Anon Loli said on Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:29:52 +0000

>I don't understand what's so complicated about DD, 

dd isn't complicated. ddrescue is even better. However, you mentioned
you have a decrypted partition on your computer, and transferring that
is better done with rsync than dd or ddrescue.

>ssh/scp or

DNS, routing, firewalling, all while you're under pressure.


Isn't encryption part of what got you into this situation in the first
place? It's a massive complication when 99% of your priority is
recovery. And why do you worry about data security on these USB disks
(not sticks, disks) when they're only temporary?

>I'll have to find my USB adapter, 

A new USB adapter will cost you what, forty bucks? What are your
priorities here? How much do you value your data?

>this is going too slow

Not if it's USB3. I think 200GB would take less than an hour.

>over the network, 

If your network is 1 Gbit, it makes no material difference. If it's
100Mbit, it's still not going to turn into a big problem. 

>that being said, I think that I mentioned the source
>drive being over 200GB in size, so why mention USB sticks? lol

LOL, I said USB disks, not sticks.

Three of those cost you three less than $300, and each one holds ten
times your 200GB of data.

>Encryption is a must, it's not just family photos, but even if it was,
>I'm still not putting them on clear disk

Well, if that's the hill you're willing to die on.

Did I mention these intermediate disks are temporary, for the purpose
of recovering you data, and they can be wiped later? Maybe this data
isn't important enough to reduce the risk of mistakes in encryption?

>Now if you can't answer this that's fine, maybe someone else can.. if
>I they can't then I'll cry
>Question is:
>if I write to the raw crypto volume (the decrypted disk), everything
>should still be encrypted, right? 

Am I understanding that you want to write to the borked disk? Whatever
the theory of it not hurting things (on a non-injured disk, of course),
if you value your data I'd not touch the disk in question.

>I don't understand exactly how under
>the hood OpenBSD FDE works, 

Another excellent reason to make this thing as easy and simple as

but if I understand correctly, anything
>written to the crypto volume gets encrypted and what-not, and then
>stored to the drive encrypted, right?

Whatever the answer is in theory, you're dealing with a disk injured in
a way that's not describable on a mailing list

>I need to make a filesystem out of the backed-up copy if I understand
>correctly, will it still work if 74M of it is overwritten?
>Because then I could maybe DD over the raw(/non-raw?) crypto volume
>and it should work?
>Like what use is backing it up now and then making the filesystem on
>the same drive and fucking up that entire drive?

If you value your data, and please remember that unless you have
your borked computer plugged into a known good uninterruptable power
supply that can last longer than your longest power outages, you're
one power outage away from losing your data forever, so time is of
the essence. Here is the procedure I would personally use to get the
whole thing done *today*:

1. Go to the store and buy two usb3 spinning rust disks between 1TB and
   2TB. I'd also buy a 7200 RPM SATA drive to act as your final
   *encrypted* disk, or perhaps an SSD or NVMe of the same size.

2. Format and partition both of the USB disks. I highly suggest you not
   encrypt them, because mistakes happen and things go wrong.

3. Use rsync to copy the unencrypted part to a tree on one of the USB
   disks. Be sure to unmount it before unplugging it. Now at least you
   have that.

4. Use ddrescue to whole device copy the borked device to a file on the
   other spinning rust USB drive. Be sure to unmount it before
   unplugging it.

5. USB3 copy both those drives to the computer you intended to copy them
   to over the network. Be careful to copy the to the correct mount or
   loop mount, because you don't want to bork a second computer.

6. Back up the computer you just copied to. The backup can be
   encrypted. Just be careful to remember the decryption key and

6. Do whatever you can to rescue any data you haven't already rescued
   from the borked disk.

7. Power down the machine with the borked disk, remove the borked disk,
   and keep it for a year in case you need it.

8. Install your new SATA disk in the formerly borked machine, format
   and encrypt it (remember the key or password).

9. Copy your old data onto the newly installed, formatted and encrypted
   hard drive.

10. Wipe and reformat and encrypt your USB drive with the directory tree
    (not the drive image).

11. Rsync your new SATA drive's files and directories that USB drive,
    which becomes your backup preventing another disaster.

12. Take regular backups so this doesn't happen again.

The preceding procedure should take you a few hours, especially given
the fact that you have two computers so can be formatting and
encrypting with one while backing up the other.


Steve Litt

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