Ted Unangst wrote:
first, are you sure you are testing the server and not the client?

Even run locally, the numbers don't look much better. Even in this case, looks like it can't do the required number of parallel requested:

old i386
# http_load -parallel 200 -fetches 2500 -timeout 60 /tmp/www2
2500 fetches, 94 max parallel, 1.37816e+07 bytes, in 20.7814 seconds
5512.65 mean bytes/connection
120.3 fetches/sec, 663172 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 326.667 mean, 6062.79 max, 1.248 min
msecs/first-response: 36.5991 mean, 6071.86 max, 3.419 min
HTTP response codes:
  code 200 -- 2500
# http_load -parallel 400 -fetches 2500 -timeout 60 /tmp/www2
2500 fetches, 90 max parallel, 1.38708e+07 bytes, in 20.9679 seconds
5548.31 mean bytes/connection
119.23 fetches/sec, 661525 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 346.224 mean, 6130.06 max, 1.228 min
msecs/first-response: 43.7965 mean, 6055.29 max, 3.392 min
HTTP response codes:
  code 200 -- 2500

new amd64
# http_load -parallel 200 -fetches 2500 -timeout 60 /tmp/www1
2500 fetches, 64 max parallel, 1.33453e+07 bytes, in 14.2911 seconds
5338.11 mean bytes/connection
174.934 fetches/sec, 933819 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 107.002 mean, 6016.89 max, 0.802 min
msecs/first-response: 19.2824 mean, 512.538 max, 1.706 min
HTTP response codes:
  code 200 -- 2500
# http_load -parallel 400 -fetches 2500 -timeout 60 /tmp/www1
2500 fetches, 63 max parallel, 1.37396e+07 bytes, in 14.1811 seconds
5495.84 mean bytes/connection
176.291 fetches/sec, 968869 bytes/sec
msecs/connect: 106.943 mean, 6022.11 max, -8.932 min
msecs/first-response: 21.5082 mean, 3041.49 max, 1.716 min
HTTP response codes:
  code 200 -- 2500

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