On Tue, 8 May 2007, Daniel Ouellet wrote:

> I am trying to improve my performance and fix my problem on httpd, but look
> like I am hitting the roof regardless if I test in lab using an old 850MHz
> i386 or an new AMD64 at 1.6GHz. Both have > 2GB of ram, so that's the issue
> both have. I can't pass more then ~300 to 325 simultaneous httpd process and
> timeout goes jump high.
> So, I guess may be the limit are in the connection process of the TCP stack,
> more then the httpd itself. But I am at a lots as to where to look. Tested
> both on 4.1 and 3.9 just to see.
> Where are the OS bottleneck that I can may be improve here?

Loks at the memory usage. 300 httpd procces could take up 3000M
easily, especially with stuff like php. In that case, the machine
starts swapping and your hit the roof. As a general rul, do not allow
more httpd procces than our machine can handle without swapping. Also,
a long KeepAliveTmeout can works against you, by holding slots. 


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