On Sun, 28 Oct 2007 11:51:37 +0000, Edd Barrett wrote:

>On 28/10/2007, RW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So maybe that narrows it a bit if we can find out what relevant factor
>> changed between those and release.
>I guess it would be around here somplace:
>I had a quick look in the i386 folder but dont see any obvious relevant 
>Do newer snapshots work on this hardware?

Well, install42.iso from Oct 26 does.
Don't know about others, sorry,
(please don't CC me. I'm on the list and the reply-to is a limited use,
burn when spam arrives facility 8-) ) whereas the list mail always get
through due to classy filtering.

In the beginning was The Word
and The Word was Content-type: text/plain
The Word of Rod.

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