
This is a long list of emails. I read them all for fun. You want to know where to start, then you can simply do very simple things if you want as simple as taking the code and check for very simple style(9) stuff as simple as.


for example. style(9) is very specific about that. This is so simple and no brain at all is needed to do it and the patch are simple to review.

Start there and do that. Then do more of style(9) and keep going.

Get ready to get hit too in the process.

I did a lots of clean up in apache for example. Took me months to do and was no fun, but I stick with it. It got put in and I wanted to do more of it as I earn part of my living with apache, so it's important to me.

But the fact is that the code suck big time. Much cleaner to read now, but men it suck! No one will tell you otherwise here. I would invest way more time to replace it with lighttpd instead, but that decision haven't be done and I have no say in it either.

There is also plenty of patches that comes to tech@ that needs testing. So, do that, test them and send feedback. This is as important as coding.

If you find bugs, stick with them and test them well. Try to fix. You can't always do it. I know I try some, but still no reason not to try.

And keep at it, or find something you need or like and do it.

I did. It's been almost two years now that it started and it's not finish, far from it. It's hard to do right, it pretty darn expensive thank you! Hopefully when it will come out if will be well receive, but that doesn't mean you can't start doing very simple things and keep going.

All the time spend sending lots of emails about it, may have given you plenty of patch already.

Download the source and search for the very simple brainless example provided and see if you can come up with that.

Again, I am not a developers here and nor do I have commit, so you sure can say I talk to my ass, but again, just do it and then you will be surprise that it may well just be put in.

I did it and send my diff and it got put in. Then I send more got feedback that some was crap and looking back it was! Try more, but what go to do me wasn't the work, it was the darn mess of what I pick to work on and the fact that no one wanted to spend the time to read the diff as it is just no fun. Henning did a lots of it so as others, but the fact still stand. It's pretty darn bad to start with and yes I got no fun out of it. I learn a few things along the way and decided to work on something else I needed from scratch and get that going and got myself the help I needed along the way.

So, stop complaining and just try it and see where it will lead you.

You will be surprise how friendly people can be when you send diff's.

Keep telling everyone what they should do and you will get hit hard.

Hope this help you some, but you wanted something simple to try.

Just try it.

Or do like I saw many start here. Send man diff corrections. Many are just simple English corrections, so you sure could do that for sure.

I know I would have done that long ago, but believe me, you don't want me to try to correct English spelling! (;> I can't write properly in the first place. Sure it got better over time, but that was because I keep at it and more then once I got private emails explaining to me the meaning of what I wrote. (;>

The funniest part of tat was that some send me emails and thought I would be offended. All the contrary. In every cases, I got a good belly laughter out of it. Looking back, some are pretty funny, but they are in the archives for years to come and to make fun of me with. However, I keep going at it and it's better then before.

So, start and keep going.

You never know where you will be next.

Hope this help some anyway.


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