> On 2/13/08 11:17 PM, Benjamin Bennett wrote:
>> I wasn't saying "we can work on security" afterwards.  This is something
>> that [to our knowledge] has not been worked on previously, and what
>> we're providing is code that we consider experimental (due to lack of
>> review) to get the ball rolling and get some feedback from others.  We
>> actually haven't gotten much feedback until today, so we do appreciate
>> all of your comments.
> OK, thanks for your quick response and further explanations
> ..
>> Race conditions are not unique to multi-threading.  No matter how this
>> is implemented, the goal is to do multiple things at once and timing
>> will be an issue.
> The security problems OpenBSD people see are not in robustness of this
> particular program, how well it works, (without seeing I believe that's OK
> and
> the code is interesting). The security problems are, for example, that
> code
> running in one core can access data from the other core and/or influence
> the
> code running in the other core.
> Very basic security, more or less out of reach of your code.
> OpenBSD puts security first and multi threading on multi cores is thought
> of
> as a can of worms.

Dudes I wont bitch but isn't that a kind of limitation chris cappuccio was
talking about on undeadly (kind of like in the meaning od "It's a
limitation lets talk about how to resolv it")?

I'm no coding guru but I know basics about race conditions. what I don't
know is why other OSs don't have these problems or how these things can
get resolved (i guess the kernel needs some serious changes..). Race
conditions are not new and for sure the future wont be single core CPUs.
And Networks don't get slower either.. in 6-8 years we may have 10Gbit
Or a 802.11n standard... (ok, sick joke :D)

But seriously: Isn't this "issue" something wich may should get resolved
(if possible)?! :-/
I didn't pointed to the patch to show that OpenBSD isn't useable. In fact
I hoped some developers may would take a look at the patch and send
feedback so it may get included into the mainstream openssh some day
(because more speed is always good to have). :)

Kind regards,

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