kytoon wrote:
hello whiners and crybabies,

you people make me sick. theo has a right to run obsd anyway he wants. why? he runs the project! don't like that? start coding. because that's the only thing that matters. you know, like you got anything going on in there? oh, that's right. you don't, and you can't code. you can only whine and cry, and take up theo's and the developer's valuable time. screw you punks. that's right! you are punks. you don't even understand what he and the developers do. you think they do this for you? screw you. they do it because they like clean and efficient code. you know, code that works. they do it for themselves! you cry because they don't cave in and sign some nda to implement a poorly coded wireless device. these guys rule the world of operating systems! hey! and they _GIVE_ you a chance to tag along. THEY GIVE YOU THE CODE! they produce! every six months, obsd gets better and better. you bunch of whining crying punks! you should be giving theo all the money he needs to make obsd even better! so, shut up and show the developers what you got, if you got anything at all, other than the dribble of a paralyzed brain.

with love to theo and the developers

Just because they (the openbsd team) give it away for free, people aren't allowed to 
voice their opinions on it? OpenBSD has its shortcomings, you cannot deny that, and 
people will always complain about those. Saying "write it yourself" is avoiding 
responsibility. But they have the right to avoid their responsibility because they gave 
it away for free.


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