Marco Peereboom wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 07:04:28PM +0200, RedShift wrote:
> > Just because they (the openbsd team) give it away for free, 
> people aren't allowed to voice their opinions on it? OpenBSD 
> has its shortcomings, you cannot deny that, and people will 
> always complain about those. Saying "write it yourself" is 
> avoiding responsibility. But they have the right to avoid 
> their responsibility because they gave it away for free.
> Nature does not recognize entitlement.
> That said I can guarantee that the OpenBSD project pays more attention
> to its users then other OS'.  This does not mean that the users get to
> set the road-map.  When an idea is not good the author is told so,
> usually, in strong language.  The opposite is Linux and other unnamed
> BSDs where everyone agrees with each other paralyzing proper
> development.  A stupid idea is still a stupid idea and it isn't
> magically going to mature like a good wine.
RedShift's logic seems to be that those who do NOT write the stuff 
get to define the responsibilities of those who DO write the stuff.
Seems to me like the most user-unfriendly thing that can be done is
to promote and encourage stupid ideas. Actually, the rights of the
developers come from having written it. Giving it away for free
gives only what is given, no more no less. Further, seems like any
quibbles must logically be settled in favor of the giver not the givee.

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